Alcohol Screening Arizona

The purpose of these screening and counseling laws is simple – without some sort of rehabilitative help, those suffering from addictions are more likely to be repeat offenders.  And without first screening each person individually, the right amount of treatment cannot be given.  Without screening or counseling, imposing monetary or even jail sentences are not always enough to deter future misconduct.  Instead, alcohol abuse counseling programs to rehabilitate may be the better option.  That’s not to say you will not have to serve time in jail or pay fines.  Some combination of abuse treatment, house arrest, and minimum mandatory jail time and fines will still be imposed.

To schedule a Counseling or DUI Screening appointment with Stonewall Institute, please contact us at 602-535-6468

Alcohol Screenings Arizona

Nearly every state has some form of court ordered alcohol or substance abuse counseling that is required for DUI offenders.  The rules for screening and counseling vary from state to state. The majority of states require first time and/or repeat offenders to enroll in some kind of substance abuse treatment program.  Such programs are usually part of probation or parole conditions.  To determine what level of counseling is appropriate for individual offenders, some state statutes also impose a mandatory substance abuse screening, a process oftendone prior to sentencing.

To schedule a Counseling or DUI Screening appointment with Stonewall Institute, please contact us at 602-535-6468

Substance Abuse Evaluation Arizona

Stonewall Institute offers DUI evaluation services in order for individuals to be considered for the reinstatement of driving privileges in the state of Arizona. State law requires all persons who seek the reinstatement of Arizona driving privileges following an alcohol or drug-related revocation to provide the Arizona Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) with a current substance abuse evaluation. The evaluation is required as part of the Revocation Investigation packet administered by the Arizona MVD. We offer a substance abuse evaluation to assess what it is you need help with and how we can help you, and help prevent future abuse.

Substance abuse may start in childhood or adolescence. Abuse prevention efforts in schools and community settings now focus on school-age groups. Programs seek to increase communication between parents and their children, to teach resistence skills, and to correct children’s misperceptions about cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs and the consequences of their use. Most importantly, officials seek to develop, through education and the media, an environment of social disapproval from children’s peers and families.

If you or someone you know is suffering from substance abuse, or has received a DUI as a result, and in need of a substance abuse evaluation arizona, contact the Stonewall Institute today at 602-535-6468.