Arizona MVD DUI Screenings

If you’ve been arrested for drunk driving, you don’t want to take your DUI/DWI lightly. Finding an experienced attorney is imperative.

Your attorney will advise you on all the factors involved in mounting a drunk driving defense, informing you of all your available alternatives.

S/he will thoroughly investigate your case to uncover any evidence and build the best case possible to help you avoid conviction.

If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence schedule an MVD Screening with Stonewall Institute.  Please contact us at 602-535-6468.

Arizona MVD DUI Screenings

Provided you meet the necessary requirements, a restricted driving permit can be issued to you either by mail or in any Driver License office. “Necessary requirements” would be when a breath, blood or urine test has been submitted to MVD indicating a blood alcohol level of .08 or more and: it is the first DUI within five years, and the DUI did not result in serious physical injury. when found guilty of driving without insurance. when otherwise directed by the court, if permitted by law.  An arrest for a DUI will require an arizona screening to obtain a restricted license.  Stonewall Institute provides electronic documentation  filed instantly online with mvd.  To schedule an MVD dui Screening with Stonewall Institute, please contact us at 602-535-6468.