Scottsdale DUI Screenings

Scottsdale DUI screenings are necessary in order to apply for an AZ restricted driver’s license. Complete an online DUI screening or come into our offices for an alcohol screening. MVD required screenings are fast and easy – just a brief alcohol and drug evaluation.

Arizona’s Best MVD Required Screening

Alcohol Screening Arizona is the best state licensed provider for MVD required screenings. The AZ MVD requires an alcohol screening in order to obtain an Arizona restricted driver’s license after an individual has been stopped for a DUI. For more information, contact Alcohol Screening Arizona at 602-535-6468 or visit online at

Arizona Licensed Online DUI School

Stonewall Institute is a fully licensed Arizona DUI services provider.  Now we are offering all DUI required services online.  Our services include MVD required screenings, DUI Level II 16-hour classes, and we are the only provider now offering DUI Level I treatment groups online.  If you are looking for a DUI internet provider that is licensed, secure and HIPAA compliant, call us at 602-535-6468 or email at  For more information check out our website at