DUI Evaluation Scottsdale

Driving under the Influence (DUI) and DUI consequences can be far reaching, both legal and emotional. Considering the rising number of deaths and injuries related to DUI, many states have become outraged this lack of social responsibility are levying stiff penalties on offenders. As a result, having a lawyer to plead your case and who knows the DUI Laws in exchange for a reduced sentence is a must have to stay out of jail. Judges are sending a clear message that such acts of irresponsibility will not be tolerated, in the way of harsh fines and penalties.

To schedule a DUI-Related Substance Abuse Evaluation, contact Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468

DUI Evaluation Scottsdale

 If it is your dui first offense then you would need to attend required dui classes which will offer you alcohol treatment and accident prevention programs. If intoxicated, the chance of the having a DUI accident for any drivers will rise with their blood alcohol level. After you are convicted of driving under influence, then dui on your record will stay longer than you thought unless you file the petition for expungement. DUI expungment allows all records to be removed from your record.

To schedule a DUI-Related Substance Abuse Evaluation, contact Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468