Arizona DUI Treatment Online

If you are court designated Arizona Level I DUI, you will be taking DUI Treatment. We are an AZ court approved online DUI provider that offers online DUI Treatment. Our AZ DUI Treatment online program is complete self-paced, which means you can log on and log off anytime. You do not need to be tied to your computer at a certain day and time. This is the best online DUI Treatment in Arizona. And unlike other AZ DUI providers, there are no extra charges for intake or exit interviews.

DUI Online Class Arizona

It doesn’t matter if you got a Arizona Level I DUI or a Arizona Level II DUI, you can take all DUI classes online by an Arizona licensed DUI agency. We offer the best online DUI classes AZ that are all accepted by AZ DUI courts.

Best Online DUI Treatment AZ

An Arizona Level I DUI is designated for some individuals who have gotten a DUI in Arizona and have been court-assigned over 16 DUI hours. The first 16-hour DUI class is a DUI education class. The remaining hours need to be DUI Treatment. We offer DUI Treatment online. Unlike other online DUI classses, our online DUI treatment is completely self-paced and accepted by all Arizona DUI courts.

Online DUI Treatment

An Arizona Level I DUI calls for taking DUI Education and DUI Treatment. Now you can take Arizona DUI Education online and Arizona DUI Treatment online. All of these online DUI classes are accepted by all Arizona DUI courts.