DUI Evaluation Scottsdale

When you drink and drive, you are putting yourself at risk. Many drink drivers are killed because of their poor driving skills. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, car wrecks are the leading cause of death for people in America who are under the age of 24, and about 40 percent of those deaths are somehow related to alcohol. Many of those in this statistic were the drivers or passengers of drunk drivers, and recent dui statistics are showing increasing trends.

To schedule a DUI-Related Substance Abuse Evaluation, contact Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468

Alcohol Screening Scottsdale

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug screenings and alcohol screenings to court ordered DUI individuals via recommendation of the Arizona MVD / Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation. The goal of the alcohol screening scottsdale is to assess the extent of a client’s current and past alcohol abuse and/or dependence. Individuals are screened through an in-depth personal interview by a qualified professional which includes, but is not limited to, an assessment of:

1) Client psychosocial history
2) Physical health problems related to alcohol and/or drug use
3) Previous history of arrests related to alcohol and/or drug use
4) Decrease in attendance/productivity at work or school due to alcohol and/or drug use
5) Prior history of drug or alcohol treatment

Risk factors which you may not know about that can cause alcoholism are:

* Steady drinking over time. Drinking too much on a regular basis for an extended period can produce a physical dependence on alcohol.
* Age. People who begin drinking at an early age are at a higher risk of alcohol dependence or abuse.
* Sex. Men are more likely to become dependent on alcohol than are women. However, women are at greater risk of developing some medical complications linked to drinking, such as liver disease.
* Family history. The risk of alcoholism is higher for people who have a parent who abused alcohol.
* Depression and other mental health problems. It’s common for people with a mental health disorder such as anxiety or depression to abuse alcohol or other substances.
* Social and cultural factors. Having friends or a close partner who drinks regularly could increase your risk of alcoholism. The glamorous way that drinking is sometimes portrayed in the media may also send the message that it’s OK to drink excessively.

To speak with a counselor at the Stonewall Institute regarding alcohol screening scottsdale, contact us today at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Scottsdale

Stonewall Institute is licensed by The State of Arizona, Department of Behavioral Health Services as an approved DUI service agency under ARS 28-692 and a behavioral health service agency, outpatient clinic. Stonewall Institute provides complete drug screenings and alcohol screenings to court ordered DUI individuals as required by the Arizona MVD / Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation.

Alcohol addiction — physical dependence on alcohol — occurs gradually. Over time, drinking too much changes the balance of chemicals in your brain associated with the pleasurable aspects of drinking alcohol. Excessive, long-term drinking can affect the balance of these chemicals, causing your body to crave alcohol to restore good feelings or to avoid negative feelings.

To schedule an appointment today to meet with a counselor regarding alcohol screening scottsdale, call the Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468.

Alcohol Screening Scottsdale

Stonewall Institute provides complete drug and alcohol screening scottsdale to court ordered DUI individuals, and any other person in need of a substance abuse evaluation as required by the Arizona MVD and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

Alcoholism is a chronic disease in which your body becomes dependent on alcohol. When you have alcoholism, you lose control over your drinking. You may not be able to control when you drink, how much you drink, or how long you drink on each occasion. If you have alcoholism, you continue to drink even though you know it’s causing problems with your relationships, health, work or finances.

To schedule an alcohol screening scottsdale appointment today to discuss your problems with alcohol, contact the Stonewall Institute at 602-535-6468.